Ideogram发布其最新的图像生成模型Ideogram 2a,Ideogram称这是其最快、最经济实惠的文本生成图像模型,专为平面设计和摄影优化。

  • Ideogram 2a 可在 10 秒 内生成高质量设计和照片级真实感图像
  • 2a Turbo 版本 甚至仅需 5 秒
  • 生成图像的费用 降低 50%

API 访问地址:点击这里


@Gamma, @Picsart, @replicate, @FAL, @freepik, @krea_ai, @poe, @NightcafeStudio


1️⃣ 农贸市场广告 / Farmer’s Market Advertisement
📌 提示词 / Prompt:
"一张繁忙的露天农贸市场照片,各种新鲜的季节性农产品,如绿叶蔬菜、浆果、手工面包。背景为柔和的绿色,上方中央写着市场名称 ‘The Local Harvest’,采用复古衬线字体。口号 ‘Farm Fresh, Every Day’ 位于其下,导航菜单包含 ‘首页’、‘产品’、‘本地农场’、‘联系我们’,下方有一个醒目的 ‘立即购买’ 按钮。整体色调温暖,背景柔和,营造出自然、亲和的氛围。”

"A photo of a bustling outdoor farmer's market with a variety of vibrant seasonal produce. There are leafy greens, fresh berries, and artisanal breads. The background has a soft green hue. At the top center, there is the market name 'The Local Harvest' in a rustic, serif font. Below the market name, there is the slogan 'Farm Fresh, Every Day'. The main menu items 'Home', 'Products', 'Local Farms', and 'Contact Us' are centered and clear. Below the slogan, there is a large, welcoming 'Shop Now' button. The overall image has warm, earthy tones, with a soft green background and gentle white borders, creating an approachable and organic feel."

2️⃣ 月球探索壁纸 / Lunar Exploration Wallpaper
📌 提示词 / Prompt:
"一张名为 ‘未知之旅:阿波罗 11 号月球登陆器’ 的壁纸。夜空布满繁星,地球悬挂在远方,月球表面展现出详细的 Apollo 登陆器,沐浴在柔和的月光中。标题采用未来感字体,整体氛围充满探索、敬畏与神秘感。”

"A cinematic wallpaper, titled 'Expeditions into the Unknown: Apollo 11 Luna Lander', about lunar exploration. The night sky is filled with twinkling stars, and the Earth appears in the background. The foreground showcases the moon's surface, with the detailed Apollo lunar lander lit by the soft moonlight. The title is elegantly written in a futuristic font. The overall mood is awe-inspiring, evoking a sense of exploration, wonder, and the unknown."

3️⃣ 秋季咖啡广告 / Fall-Themed Coffee Ad
📌 提示词 / Prompt:
"一张温馨的秋季主题咖啡广告,展示一杯热腾腾的南瓜香料拿铁。文字采用俏皮的手写体:‘限量版:试试我们的季节性南瓜香料混合咖啡 – 立减 15%!’。咖啡杯置于木质托盘上,周围点缀秋叶和肉桂棒,背景泛着温暖的金色光芒。”

"A cozy fall-themed coffee ad featuring a steaming cup of pumpkin spice latte. The text, in a playful cursive font, says: 'Limited Edition: Try Our Seasonal Pumpkin Spice Blend – 15% Off!' The cup is placed on a wooden board, surrounded by autumn leaves and cinnamon sticks. The background is a warm, golden light."

4️⃣ 温馨母子瞬间 / Tender Mother-Child Moment
📌 提示词 / Prompt:

"A photo of a tender moment between a woman and a young child in an outdoor setting. The woman is closely observing a dandelion she holds. The child is blowing on the dandelion, causing its seeds to scatter in the air. The backdrop is a lush green field with trees, suggesting a serene and peaceful environment."
